Our mission is to unite together all who seek a relationship with God through Christian faith…no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, YOU are WELCOME here!

Greetings from Our Interim Pastor, Ed Koonz…
Welcome to the First Congregational Church of Salem, NH’s web-site. We’re glad you’ve entered through our virtual door! As you “let your fingers do the walking,” we hope something here might catch your eye of faith. And, if you’re seeking a church home and family, we hope you’ll catch glimpses of what this church could be for you – as well as what you could be for Christ’s church here. If you’re seeking a thoughtful congregation with a progressive, open-mindedness and an inclusive, loving heart, you’ve come to the right place!
Here, given our heritage and vision, two qualities stand out: our vast sense of stewardship and our covenantal nature. The first means we want to care for God’s creation whether it’s one person, the whole human race, or the earth itself. The second means our manner of caring involves respect for everyone’s personal beliefs and including every member’s unique perspective in decision-making.
If you don’t find all that you’re looking for in a church here, maybe it’s because you’re missing from our midst, and we could benefit from your presence and spiritual passions to enrich our being! And, if you have questions or are curious about us, please contact us, or join us for worship – online or in our sanctuary.

Our Commitment to Christian Education
We are a learning community, seeking creative ways to pass on our faith to our children, increase our biblical literacy, and nurture our spiritual lives. No matter what your age or where you are along your journey, FCC provides continuing opportunities for spiritual growth and enrichment.
During the year, we also arrange for intergenerational services and activities, so that our adults, children, and youth can work and worship together to build a stronger church family environment.