Frequently Asked Questions

Who runs the church?

Ultimately, the congregation decides all matters in public meetings by voting. The biggest such meeting is the annual meeting, which occurs each January. In practice, it is very much like an old-fashioned town meeting. For the rest of the year, regular business is delegated to members of the Vision & Leadership Team. VLT members are elected by the congregation at the annual meeting.

Your name says you are Congregational but also United Church of Christ. How does that work?

We are both “Congregational” and “United Church of Christ” which makes for an interesting history. The UCC came into being in 1957 with the union of the Protestant denominations: the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the congregational Christian churches. Each of these was, in turn, the result of a union of two earlier traditions. So in a real sense, our roots are in the great Reformation movement as well as with the Pilgrims searching for religious freedom.

What does it take to become a member of the FCC?

If you are interested in becoming a member of the FCC, you should contact the pastor or a member of the Worship Team, through the church office. You must have been previously baptized. There will be an average of two classes to attend with the pastor and the Worship Team. They in turn recommend you for membership to the Vision & Leadership Team. If the VLT votes yes on you becoming a member, a Sunday would then be set aside to welcome new members.

How do I transfer if I am a member of another church?

The church clerk will write to your church and ask that the membership be forwarded to FCC.

Can I get married at FCC?

If you are a member of the church, or have a parent or grandparent that is a member, you can be married at the church. Please contact the church to find out the requirements to plan your special day.

What can I do if I want to have my child baptized at the church?

If you actively attend services at the church, or have a parent or grandparent who attends the church, your child can be baptized at the FCC.

Do you baptize older children and adults at the church?

Yes, if you actively attend the church.

How do I get on the emailing list for the newsletter of the church?

Click here and we will add you to the next emailing.

How do I add a name to the prayer list?

You can call or email the church office. If you are at the service, you can also add a name to the list located on the stand in the church’s front hall.

Whom do I call to make funeral arrangements?

Usually, the undertaker is responsible for contacting the church if funeral services are to be held at FCC. Other arrangements can be made by contacting the church directly.

How do you celebrate Communion?

Christians of all ages are welcome to take Communion in the church. It is given on the first Sunday of every month. The Worship Team sets up and serves Communion. If you are a shut-in, please call the church and the pastor will come to you.

What are the church’s office hours?

The church office is open Tuesday & Thursday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.