Good afternoon, Beloved,
I pray everyone is feeling the warmth of God’s unifying Love while remaining dry on this wet first day of June. Today though as I look out the window, I am reminded of a time many years ago during another storm. It was a powerful storm which seemed to come from nowhere. In fact, the forecasts all called for a sunny day. Yet, before I knew it the lightning began and most of us were drenched by supper time. Of course, it does not help that on this weekend, my friends and I were camping. And being who we were, we decided to ride out the storm instead of going home.
The strange thing was that even when the rain washed out tent after tent, we did not go home. We stayed and huddled closer and closer together in the biggest tent we had. That seems to be what happens though when the storms come along in life. Not just the physical ones of rain and ice, but All storms including the emotional, social, or even the spiritual ones. It is almost as if this commonality is an instinct. Something, we are born with. Some drive that God placed within us when He created us. Some comforting closeness which we hunger for when the storms come into our lives. What an amazing gift this God given comfort of community can be to every human being. And I must say, it truly is a blessing for me, as your pastor, to witness you expand this comfort of our community to more people. I would almost use the word – Pride.
How fitting as today is the beginning of Pride month. A month where we celebrate and honor all the people in our world who have been left out of the comforting embrace of many communities throughout the years. Left out all because they loved or were loved by someone that our religious ancestors did not feel was moral. How sad, how sad that these souls felt like it was their place to question God; felt like they had the right to judge; felt like they knew better than God did when She created Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Alan Turing, Barbara Gittings, Christine Jorgensen, Sally Ride, Harvey Milk, Tammy Baldwin, Ellen DeGeneres, James Baldwin, Oscar Wilde, etc. It amazes me how all of these individuals did and shared so much for societies which hated them. These are some of the truest examples of goodwill and kindness in our world and I am proud to have heard many of their stories. I wonder who else of our NOW – one community – will make the world a better place next?
Wait, just imagine that for a moment – we are one community – now. Imagine what this means. Imagine, how many more people are out there ready to comfort you when the storms come. Imagine how many more people we can help through the storms of life. All because we let go of our ego and trusted in God and God’s perfectly created broken human beings staring back at us in the mirror and throughout the world. It is almost like a Pentecost – a birth of a new church – a reversal of the Tower of Babel. Yes, Pentecost is the only word which truly fits, beloved; for, we are witnessing the birth of God’s Love right now in our FCC church, and only time will tell what comfort of community this brings to the world. Please know in the meantime, I am wholly Proud and grateful to be one member of this welcoming community.
May we continue to share and honor all people who have been forgotten throughout this week, this month of Pride, and this season of Pentecost.
With Love
your pastor and teacher, Brian
During Pentecost, let us consider the different ways we can be ONE church – newly re-created for today – inspired and living the word of God in all we do. I would love to hear your voice and thoughts of your understanding of church and community. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to talk and discover ideas as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. through Tuesday the 14th I will be away for my nuptials. Many blessings and Love to you all.