Good morning, Beloved,
I pray all of you who are reading this letter and all your children are safely held in your loving arms. Sadly, that is not the case for everyone in our world. For, today the world began with nineteen less souls from one horrific act of hate and violence. The sad part is that this horror is not the only tragedy we, as a society, faced or saw yesterday. It is just another one…
Another wound – another pain – another victim. I fear sometimes that we are becoming numb to that pain. That in order to cope with the terror, we are letting it slip from our mind. Resigning ourselves to an inability to do anything about it and thanking God that it did not happen here. But what happens if the next time it is here… in Salem? The reality is beloved, it could be. Sandy Hook is not that far away and there seems to be no geographical distinctions for these mass shootings.
Still, “what can I do?” I heard this question being asked after almost every mass shooting. “Yes, it is a tragedy; but what can I do?” Well to begin, maybe the first question should not be what can I do; rather, what is wrong with what is happening? For, what is wrong may just explain the cause. Then, maybe we can come up with a solution – together. Mind you, this question is not societal, political, or anything else – it is theological. What is wrong with the murder of children – youth – innocents according to God? I pray you can answer that question for yourself and see that the world is aching for help. God is calling us from the safety of our homes to help. The Spirit is screaming for humankind to act – to act on the call to end the violence.
I know this may not be your call; but here today, I am reminded that it is mine and that our children are in danger. Therefore, I hope you will at least pray with me for the souls in our world who have been taken too early.
Let us pray,
Holy One, hold us in the hollow of Your hands and keep all Your children safe this day. Hold us in the pain of this tragedy. Care for the families and communities which are suffering right now in this world. God, I pray that this moment is the last time we will see, feel, witness the horrors of this world and I pray, o God, you use me to be your hands and feet making that blessed gift a reality; so, we may all be whole and made whole in Your Holy Love. Amen.
Regrettably, my friends, tragedies like this are how our calls are revealed from time to time. When we do not move, help, or become God’s hands, the tragedies keep happening. I imagine this repetition as like the vision which Paul received of the man in Macedonia. At least, that is how it feels for me today: that there is an impending need, right now, to act on this call before our children and our community become the victims. I pray that I am wrong but invite your help no matter who you are if this calling is yours as well. If not, I pray that when you are reminded of your calling it does not hurt as bad as it does for so many of us and all the souls in a small town in Texas.
Please stay safe and continue to pray for these souls who were murdered, their families, and all the people in Uvalde.
May God guide your calling and keep you safe
Your pastor and teacher, Brian
Please consider and share your “calling” is in this Eastertide season. I pray Lent helped you find your calling – let us consider what this means as we build and rebuild our fellowship through the sharing of our voices. If you would like, text, call, or email me always to talk and discover ideas to help you live into your calling. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. Memorial Day, I will be available by phone only, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.