
Coordinators: Mark Wellspring and Amy Chartrain

The service at FCC is designed for all ages to worship together. Regular services are held through the school year every Sunday morning at 10:00am. Refreshments are provided after the service at a well-attended fellowship hour.

Our services are usually about an hour in length—slightly longer on the first Sunday of each month when we typically celebrate Communion. All are welcome at our Communion table, including children (we serve grape juice instead of wine).

The sermons at FCC are Bible-based, relate to everyday life and are easy to understand.

We believe that music is an integral part of worship, and we have a Music Director and Adult Choir to help us celebrate.

We welcome all people who believe in God’s work and invite you to join us in worship regardless of where you are on your faith journey.

Worship Updates 

Worship is a reflection of our community. Therefore, the Worship Team would love to know Your Favorite Hymn(s) or any suggestions You may have for Gathering Music. We will happily include these musical offerings, often. All submissions can be made to the email: worshipsubmission@fcc-salem.org.

Opportunities to Lead Fellowship

From the Worship and Reaching Out Teams
With our Sunday morning services now in full swing again, there are plenty of opportunities to lead in the sharing of our fellowship Hour. The sign up sheet is currently located on the Worship Team bulletin board. Or, you can call / email the church office, (mail@fcc-salem.org) and the Administrative Assistant will happily put your name down if this ministry is calling to you.

Special Services

FCC offers several special services through the year. During the Easter season, services include Maundy Thursday, an Easter Sunrise Service, and our regular Sunday service. On Christmas Eve, there is a traditional candlelight service.

Summer Services

During the summer months, a casual Wednesday evening service is held at 7:00pm rather than the traditional Sunday morning time. This innovative service offers busy families who may be away or unavailable on weekends the opportunity to worship during the week.