Dear Friends in Christ,
A great theological concern is occasioned by a powerful challenge of faith. Theologians call it “the problem of evil.” It’s prompted by this question of faith: ‘If God, who created life is so good, why does evil exist?’
Many have attempted to answer this question. But most answers are less than satisfactory. For instance, most people commonly answer this question by saying, “Evil exists and bad things happen because God has given us free will. While this sounds sensible, it doesn’t solve the problem of evil because it doesn’t address the fact that many bad or evil things occur as a result of natural disasters that typically “just happen.”
So where does this leave us? While pondering this question, this phrase popped into my mind: “Nature just is, but human nature isn’t?” What do I mean by this?
I mean to say, “nature is both evil (awful might be more accurate) and good” (Or, nature is neither.) Thus, we might say, “nature is (simply) what it is – a structure of God’s creation that permits both what we call good and bad or evil things to happen.
On the other hand, “human nature isn’t simply what it is,” because we can make choices, good or bad, life-giving or life-taking. And, we can change; we can make better – or worse – decisions that either enhance or thwart what’s good. Another way of saying this is that our choices matter – sometimes even with respect to nature itself – because they make a difference in the amount of good – or evil – in the world.
Ultimately, we can ignore or address “the problem of evil.” But, regardless of whether we answer its question to our satisfaction or not, we can simply live a life of more faithfulness – making choices that maximize goodness and minimize what’s bad or evil.
Lent is a time for journeying toward Easter not so much to answer theological questions as faith-related, moral questions. So, it is, on the coming Sundays before Easter, we’ll continue to consider our stewardship of sin by addressing what may separate us from doing more good with our lives. I hope you can join us.
Blessings of the Lenten Season,
Pastor Ed