Pastor’s Letter, February 12, 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,

Jesus was a Jewish teacher who sometimes employed the Socratic method.  In the four gospels, he asks more than 200 questions!

We’re considering an important question this week.  After asking, “Who do other people say I am?”  Jesus asks his followers, “But who do you say I am?”  This sequence is found all three Synoptic-or similar-gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

Jesus wants to know how the disciples’ understandings as close followers compare to those who watch at a distance.  His is, therefore, a great question for church members who follow Jesus.  Who Jesus is for us matters for it may affect the nature and quality of our beliefs and expressions of faith in his name. 

It also matters because there are many understandings about Jesus’ identity.  Probably you’ve learned more than a few along your faith journey because you’ve matured in your thinking, or you’ve studied, or you’ve had a few teachers and listened to a few preachers! 

Some of your understandings may be common, perhaps “orthodox.”  Some may be uncommon, even “non-orthodox.”  By others’ understandings, your understanding may even be labeled heresy.  But, whatever others say, what matters is what you say.  For it’s your life in Christ, we’re talking about. 

On Sunday, you’ll have a chance to reflect on your understandings of Jesus.  I hope you find it a meaningful moment in your life of faith.  For ours is a journey on which, as poet, Robert Frost, reminded us in Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening, “(we Christians) all have promises to keep, and miles to go before (we) sleep!”

Blessings Along the Way, 

Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, January 29, 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,
An important moment during our interim time is coming soon: publication of the church profile by the Designated-Pastor Search Committee. It is, especially for the members of the Search Committee, an exciting moment. They’ve worked long and hard to prepare a profile that represents your history and current qualities as a congregation accurately. They deserve much thanks and prayer as they enter into a new phase of the search process: receiving and reading prospective pastors’ profiles, interviewing, and – ultimately – discerning a recommended candidate for your consideration and vote.

This moment marks a transition for me, as well, in my ministry amongst you. Once the profile is released I will no longer attend Search Committee meetings or directly support its work. A NH Conference UCC Minister will be responsible for this. So, I’ll have more time for other work. How will I spend it? I plan to turn my attention to other tasks we’ve identified. Two of the most important are the VLT’s envisioning ways of reaching out into the community and the Stewardship Team’s discerning ways to increase budgeted revenue.

The first task, reaching out, is important because if a church wants to grow with new people today, it cannot simply be a welcoming congregation whose members sit around waiting for people to walk through the door; it must become a pro-active, inviting congregation in which members build relationships with people outside the church walls and share the good news of what’s going on inside, as well as outside, its walls.

The second task, increasing income, is important because if a church wants to support a staff and an older building it must have sufficient revenue to do so. And when, as is the case here, more than 70% of the pledged income comes from those aged 60 and older, the viability of maintaining current forms and levels of ministry may be at risk.

What can you do to help? Pray for this church, pray for its leaders, pray for their stewardship of its well-being, and participate in the conversations that are sure to come as leaders share new ideas they deem worth trying!

Blessings of Faith in Christ and Faithful Stewardship of Christ’s Church,
Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, January 22, 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,

As a Christian, I believe following the teachings and actions of Jesus for living on earth is more important than beliefs about him with respect to eternal life in heaven. Therefore, I’m interested in the relationship between religion and politics because the latter is one way we put our faith into action.  Fundamentally, I believe my faith ought to be considerate and thoughtful – and inform my political ideology accordingly.  This is what Jesus teaches when he responds to a question about paying taxes to Caesar by saying: “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” 

So, I was interested in Monday’s Inauguration Day.  As a citizen, I harbored some concerns about statements the new President made in his inaugural speech as well as executive actions he signed in the evening.  But as a Christian, there was something that caused me even greater concern. Frank Bruni, professor of journalism and public policy at Duke University captured it in a N.Y. Times  op-ed column entitled, “The Line in Trump’s Speech that Will Echo in Time.”  He wrote:

Recalling the day in Butler, Pa., in July when “an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear,”  Trump said that “I felt then, and believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason.  I was saved by God to make America great again.” That’s the keeper this time around — Trump’s trademark narcissism and usual grandiosity, along with an unsettling measure of theocracy, in one profoundly disturbing sentence.  And it’s a signal of the sureness that he feels about all the executive orders that he then went on to promise, all the legislation that he foreshadowed and all the changes, from a militarized border to a war on wokeness, that he vowed.

I’m concerned because when a political leader believes they are saved by God to be a savior, they have a tremendous responsibility to be respectful, caring, and humble – like Jesus.  Now, ask yourself: To what degree does the President demonstrate having these qualities?  Your answer will tell you something about your responsibilities as a Christian – and U.S. citizen – during the time ahead.  And, checking your answer out with other Christians will tell you even more.  

Blessings of Faith in Christ for the Following of Jesus, Pastor Ed  

Pastor’s Letter, January 15, 2025

Dear Members & Friends,
When Barbara and I carried our firstborn out of the hospital where he was delivered, it was by way of an elevator “packed like sardines.” We were jammed against the doors. And, when that crowded elevator’s doors opened onto the hospital lobby floor, Barbara and I simultaneously exclaimed, “Thank God that’s over!”

Now, some might have thought we were referring to that elevator ride, but we weren’t; we were referring to the longer, more difficult three days that we’d spent in the hospital that included a day long delivery. But, no sooner were our words out of our mouths than there came from the back of the elevator a voice saying: “It’s only just beginning!” It was our delivering obstetrician who knew what we’d gone through, and he was referring to the parenting ahead of us!

Following Christmas, many a happy, but relieved, person may be found exclaiming, “Thank God it’s over!” They’re usually referring to their rituals of Christmas celebration. But, if stop to consider carefully, they may hear another voice, one saying: “It’s only just beginning!”

In prose entitled The Work of Christmas, 20th century American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader, Howard Thurman captures the spirit of this voice:

When the song of the angels is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
when the kings and princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with their flocks,
the work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost, to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.

For us who belong to Christ’s church, the work of Christmas is just beginning – yet again! And, 2025 will offer plenty of both the usual – and unique – kinds of opportunities. Will we be ready?

Blessings in Christmas work, Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter – January 8, 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,
Happy New Year! And, a Wondrous Epiphany season, too!

I greet you this way because the year 2024 is over. And, Christmas has come and gone.

But of course, neither is finished with us. The past lives in the present, and the past has consequences for our future. This is why English artist, Caryll Houselander, wrote in her 1949 book The Passion of the Infant Christ, “Christ is born in us today.” In us

Of course, the question is, what does it mean to declare this? Is it merely a belief statement of the mind or an emotional feeling of the heart? Or is it a transformational growth experience in your portion of soul?

When you hear or say that “Christ is born in us today,” what does it mean for you? The season of Epiphany – which means manifestation, perception or insight , especially of a divine nature, – is a season for pondering this question. And for having a deep, God-moment-kind of experience!

So, when I wish for you the blessings of this season, I mean to say, “I hope you discover and experience the eternal love of Christ Jesus growing in and around you in a powerful, life-changing kind of way!”

Blessings of Epiphany,
Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, December 18, 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,
Sometimes, we think and say God is in everyone, everywhere. But, there’s an instructive story of a 19th century Polish Hasidic master and itinerant preacher, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk. One day, he asked some learned men who were visiting him, “Where is God? ” Laughing, they responded, “What a thing to ask! God is everywhere ! “No,” Rabbi Mendel replied, “God is only in the places where we make room for God.”

Now, what do you think of this perspective?

Many Christians believe and say, “God’s love is all-inclusive and unconditional”. Maybe so. But, Paul writes in his Letter to the Romans (8:28), “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Those who LOVE God… It begs the question, “Does God work on behalf of those who don’t love him?” Now, what do you think?

I once worked with a church administrator who had trouble with this idea. One Christmas, she inserted what she thought was an angelic Bible saying into the church newsletter. She wrote: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace and goodwill to all.” When I pointed out Luke’s text (2:14) really read, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”, she was surprised – and a little miffed. She’d learned, thought, and believed God’s love was for all!

Often, we say God’s grace means God’s love is unconditional. But, maybe God’s grace isn’t complete until it has its response in us, in our love and loving! And, maybe, this is what Advent preparation for Christmas is all about…About making room in our busy lives and hearts for Christ Jesus so we can follow him more closely in loving God and others as ourselves! But, what do you think – and believe?

Blessings of Advent for a Merry Christmas!
Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, December 11, 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

Halfway through Advent, I’m wondering how your preparations for Christmas are coming along. I don’t mean decorating, baking, shopping, wrapping, entertaining, or any one of a hundred other “external” tasks.  Rather, I’m wondering how you are inside – where your heart beats and your mind wanders.  For these constitute what Christian Christmas touches.  

On Christmas Eve, we shall sing, “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”  In it, we sing “the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.”  Many interpret this line as geography about a literal birth of a baby named Jesus in Bethlehem.  But really, we’re singing about our hopes and fears – wherever we have lived or live – and how these are met in the “eternal and everywhere” love of God in Christ.  

Which is why several church members and I are preparing a special time, sometimes called a Blue Christmas service. You may think this service, scheduled for next Wednesday evening, is for those who are especially sad at this time of year, but it’s really for anyone having any kind of hard time coming to – and experiencing – this season’s ultimate gifts of the Spirit: the hope, joy, peace, and love that constitute God’s divine holiness coming in a human being – and through any human-being that follows his Way. 

In a time of year when we may be prone to the gravity of our personal feelings pulling us down – as well as in a year in which a “fog of malaise” permeates our society and our breath, I invite you to join us next Wednesday night “in between the hopes and fears of all your years.”  In doing so, perhaps, you’ll be more prepared to receive – and experience – the gift of Christmas itself – in spite of it all.   

Blessings of Advent Preparation for a More Than a Merry Christmas,
Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, December 4, 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,
Remember Irving Berlin’s, I’m dreaming of a White Christmas? It was first sung by Bing Crosby in 1942 followed by many others, and it was one of my favorite pop Christmas songs as a kid. After all, I liked winter’s snow. It was good for building snow forts, making snowmen, tunneling into, sliding on, and throwing balls at friends – not to mention cancellations of school!

But, when Barb and I moved to Phoenix, singing this song seemed strange. I mean: have you ever seen snow falling on cacti when temperatures are in the 70’s? I have – in a Peanuts’ cartoon and on occasional instances when an unusually cold low-pressure system would drop snow on the upper elevations of the mountains surrounding Phoenix. Still it never seemed quite right singing this song in Arizona’s “sun valley!”

Today, I enjoy listening to most any rendition of this song because it gets me to thinking about dreaming. Which is what being a Christian, especially in the Advent season, is all about. This year, in particular, when our society and the world are awash in winds of change, chaos, and conflict, I’m dreaming about much more than a “white Christmas.” How about you?

Whatever constitutes your dream life these days, we’ll be considering dreams and dreaming in our sermon regarding this aspect of Advent stewardship when we worship on this upcoming Sunday.

Blessings of Advent Preparation for a More Than a Merry Christmas,
Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, November 27, 2024

Dear Members and Friends,

Those of you who heard our sermon on the last Sunday of Pentecost heard me say in effect, “While it’s beginning to look and sound a lot like Christmas outside our walls, I’m not yet ready to celebrate it because we haven’t even come to a most wonderful holiday of the year, a holiday for the soul:  Thanksgiving!”  (How’s that for a one-sentence summary of a sermon?) 

And, when we gather on this upcoming Sunday for worship, I still won’t be ready because Christmas isn’t meant to be a holiday we simply “come to.”  Rather it’s an incredible holiday that we “prepare for.”  Which is why we’ve been given the season of Advent on the Christian calendar.  Its purpose is to give us time to prepare for receiving the greatest gift of Christmas: the new life of Jesus, our Christ!  

So, it is, we’ll begin preparing, and not just for Christmas Day, but for Christmastide, the season of Christmas.  Yes, just as Christmas doesn’t come the day after Halloween when all the decorations are rolled out in stores and online, neither does Christmas come on December 25th, the day after Santa Claus comes down the chimney.  For, Christmas is more than our rituals, whether commercial-based or family-based.  Christmas is the very love of God come into our hearts!  And, it’s an elusive thing. 

If you don’t believe me, or have wonderings about all this, stay tuned.  For we have preparations to make.  Meanwhile, I hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day – and week!

Pastor Ed

Pastor’s Letter, November 20, 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,
Many summers ago, I spent a three week vacation in the Sierra-Nevada mountains putting in “sweat equity” on our friends’ vacation house – a home in which we shared many good times over 30 years of friendship. Toward the end of a third 15 hour work-day, their son, who had stopped working with me for the day at 4 pm, asked, “Ed, why are you doing this?” “One word,” I replied, “Gratitude.”

Now, given the look on his face, I don’t think he quite understood me. But, maybe, you do?

Gratitude has undergirded my decision-making in life. Gratitude is the reason I worked in social services and, then, responded to a sense of being called to church ministry. Gratitude has motivated my volunteering of time and energy to community service organizations. Gratitude has led me to make substantive financial contributions to the church and charitable agencies. I am, simply, grateful for life and moved to give to life in return. How about you?

The ancient Roman scholar, Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” Contemporary motivational speaker and leadership consultant, Anthony Robbins, says, “When we are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”

In this season of Thanksgiving, may you experience fear’s dissipation through your giving of yourself and all your resources. And, then, may abundances of all good kinds appear before your eyes!

Blessings of a Joyful Thanksgiving,
Pastor Ed