Hello beloved,
I hope you are all well and enjoying this much needed break – from the heat. It is almost as if – our faith – has finally been revealed. Our faith that God would end the heat. But was this due to faith or just a coincidence? Is this new reality a change or just a shift in the natural weather patterns? All of which, I believe, are good questions to ask because they help us articulate what we believe.
While I considered these questions, I leaned more towards the shifting weather patterns. Not because I do not believe. Not because I lack faith in God’s ability to make the world cooler, either directly or indirectly through us. She does. Rather, it is because I do not see most humans are helping Him. I do not see people doing much of anything to make the climate better. Yet is that not what God is calling us to do: to faithfully help the Mission of Christ here on earth?
We have talked all summer about faith. Yes, have faith – pray to God when we see problems; but are we also living into that faith? Are we trying to make a difference in the world? I ask, beloved, because living out our faith is – how we love God. To explain in human terms, when someone says, “I love you” or asks you for things; yet chooses to not care about you – to hurt you – or to forget about you when they do not need anything, it does not feel like love. We know this truth and have seen it many times throughout our lives. From abusers to innocent (if not self-centered) children, we have seen this type of behavior. Sadly though, I wonder if sometimes we humans are being “the self-centered” child.
Are we telling God thank you – I love you – please save us from the heat and then throwing trash in the water because it’s too far to walk an extra five feet to the trash can? Yes, I have witnessed people do this and then share how concerned they are with our changing climate. The truth is faith is not something that just happens in our heart and soul. Like love, faith must be shared to be revealed. It must be acted upon. It must be shown through our actions; for God to feel the truth of our love and faith.
So yes, I lean towards the natural shift of weather patterns because the Mission of Creation is not yet being acted upon by the many hands and feet of Christ, living in this world. Maybe it is time for us to act on our faith and openly follow God’s Mission, whatever Mission which has been placed before us. Maybe we can do this together as One Fellowship of God and truly witness our faith and love of God being revealed.
May we each act upon our Mission over the coming year and reveal our loving faith to God.
Your pastor and teacher, Brian
During summer, let us consider and remember to love God each day. Remember love and faith is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings to you all.