Pastor’s Letter, February 26, 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,
A change of season is upon us. I’m not thinking of Mother Nature’s progression from Winter to Spring! I’m thinking of the church and Lent. This upcoming Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday of Epiphany.

Epiphany is – and has been – a season for discovering some “a-ha’s” about Jesus. On Transfiguration Sunday, we find Jesus in good company. To three followers who climb a mountain with him, he appears in dazzling white clothes conversing with Elijah and Moses, two Hebrew heroes of old. Then, these followers hear a voice from a bright cloud, presumably God’s, say, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!” It’s all a sign of Jesus’ importance.

The question is today, two thousand years later, how important is Jesus to us – and in what ways? We’ve explored various expressions of this question during Epiphany. We’ve asked: What have others said about Jesus? Then, we’ve asked an even more important question about him, a personal one: What do we say about him?

But there’s still one remaining question, this most important one of all: What do we do with – and in – our lives because of Jesus? How do you answer this one?

Blessings of Christ-related, “A-ha!” Moments in Your Life,
Pastor Ed

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