Dear Friends in Christ,
Today, Ash Wednesday, begins the season of Lent. It’s the season for preparing for Easter. It begins by our following Jesus into the wilderness to confront our demons just as Jesus confronted the Satan in his life.
What are our demons? They are constituted by those aspects of our lives and living that distance us from our best selves – and the hopes and purposes that God has for our lives.
I can’t tell you what your personal demons are; only you – and those closest to you – know – along with God. What I can tell you is that because you are human you have demons that require your confronting their power in your life. And, I can tell you that if you do not consider and confront them, you will not be able to turn from them to move forward in new ways. Which is sad, because when we are prisoners of our demons, we will not be fully prepared for Easter and its promise of raising us to new life.
So, I hope you will engage in some form of preparation for Easter during this season of Lent. If you’re unable or unwilling to join our Wednesday night group that will be reading and discussing the Lenten daily devotions contained in the UCC Devotional entitled Into the Deep, I hope you will obtain and read it – or some other alternative – for yourself.
Whatever you choose to do, Jerusalem awaits. And, I pray as you make your way there, you will experience giving up some aspect of your life that frees you for receiving the fullness of God’s grace that is resurrection!
Blessings of Lenten Repentance,
Pastor Ed