Pastor’s Letter, September 4, 2024

Dear Siblings in Christ,

We’re in transition! I don’t mean this interim time between settled pastors; I mean a transition of seasons, seasons not of Mother Nature’s brewing, but seasons of our culture and society.

Summertime life is ending, school has or will be resuming, and we’re moving from Wednesday evening worship to Sunday morning worship. And, to prove it we’re offering – and you have – two opportunities to worship this week! (Not really because on the Christian calendar, every Sunday begins a new week!)

However, you count the days, we’ll be here tonight reflecting upon and singing, “For the Beauty of the Earth.” And, this upcoming Sunday, Rally Sunday, – Why in the world do we call it this for it sounds like a celebration related to a sporting event? – we’ll be coming together as a Communion Family bearing Christ’s name. We’ll have two “sermon times,” one involving a mystery box, the other a skit on 21st century welcoming. (We’re not our parents’ and grandparents’ 20th century church.) And, the communion meal we’ll share will serve as kind of appetizer for our fellowship picnic after worship.

I look forward to seeing you, especially if you haven’t joined us on Wednesday evenings for a while or at all!

Blessings of “Seasonal Change,”
Pastor Ed

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