Good afternoon Beloved,
I pray you are well and feel all the Love God has to offer. Love though is not simply a solo activity. Yes, we can love people or things without that thing or person loving us back. It happens all the time. In effect, our Love Challenge is an example of this personal reality. You love someone and have placed their picture on a heart – done. On a side note, I would like to share my deepest appreciation for everyone who has begun placing up your hearts throughout the church; for, it truly is a blessing to witness who and what you each love. I hope everyone will continue to do so throughout the year. Still, this wonderful gift is really only for each other here in our beloved fellowship.
Beyond the doors of our sanctuary, the town of Salem may not know how much we love and care for people. The person walking down the street may have no idea that they are loved and welcomed – here – no matter who they are or where they are on life’s journey. The poor or hungry may not know they have a refuge within our walls; for, we have not always revealed our love of one another beyond us.
Yet, Divine Love – the love we are called to give and receive requires mutual participation to achieve even a glimmer of the depth and breadth of God’s Love for us. Anyone who has ever been in love – loved a child – or had a pet knows a fraction of this truth. I believe God is calling us to this type of Love. Calling us to be Her hands and feet in the world. Calling us to reveal how much we love all people; so, all people may feel welcomed here in His Beloved Fellowship. Therefore, as we continue to consider what and who we love, let us also consider how we can reveal that love to another person and live into the Beloved Fellowship we are called to become.
May your week be full of God’s Divine Love, always
Your Pastor, Brian
As always please call (207-350-9561) if you need anything. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00– 4:00; Tuesday 10:30 – 6:30. I may be writing from home on Friday but may be at church. If I am in the office, please feel free to stop in to talk. Many blessings and Love to you all, always.