Pastor’s Letter March 23, 2022

An image of an open Bible. The text " Psalms" can be clearly seen on the page.

Good morning, Beloved,

I pray you are well and feel all the love God has to offer. The love which is given freely to each and every one of us. I am reminded of this love often when reading the Bible, a truth which I hope we all understand and witness both in the times when we are distressed and in those times which are joyous throughout our lives. I hope you witness this gift and have found comfort in scripture.

Yet too often when we read scripture or truly anything, our own biases can get in the way. We can get sidetracked just at the right moment and miss the full understanding of a newspaper clipping, a book, or yes scripture. I was reminded of this truth today as I read the Daily Devotional from the UCC by Matt Laney (see below). 

The reality is, beloved, we all have done the light reading or headline skimming in our Bibles and in the news. But just as Rev. Laney points out, if we only read John 3:16 without the P.S, we are missing Christ’s Love being revealed. Moreover, we risk becoming righteous against the evil doer – the person who does not love Jesus as ourselves – and turn to a practice of condemning said person. Yet, reading the full context of the word reveals another truth. The truth of God’s Love for everyone throughout Creation.

With these thoughts in mind, I invite you into a practice of deep reading once again. Reading the full context and words of that which is written, whether biblically or in everyday texts. I invite you into this practice for it truly is the only way we may witness the Truth of what is being said and discern if we are remaining on the path to the kin-dom with Christ. The only way to discover if something is Holy or Unholy. The only way to understand the world around us. I invite you into this practice; so, you may faithfully discern and follow the call God has placed in your soul.

May your week be blessed with the practice of deep reading one text, article, or Biblical passage in this preparatory season of Lent.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider the ways you care for your own spirituality and faith throughout Lent. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk and discover ideas to help you refresh your soul. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

The All-Important P.S. to John 3:16

by Matt Laney | published on Mar 23, 2022

“For God so loved the world that God gave God’s beloved Child, so that everyone who believes may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send their Child into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” – John 3:16-17 (NRSV)

This passage includes one of the most well-known verses in the Bible, John 3:16. “John 3:16” can be found on t-shirts, memes, bumper stickers, signs at sporting events, even on the eye-black of an NFL quarterback.

John 3:16 is often used as a litmus test. If you believe in Jesus (which is code for “if you believe what I believe about Jesus”), then you will be saved from eternal damnation. If not, your ultimate destination is bleak. The verse is used and abused as a pretext for condemning people to hell.

I think the writer of John saw that coming as he first penned 3:16, so he included an addendum—a postscript—as a safeguard: “Indeed, God did not send their Child into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:17).

When John talks about the world being saved through Jesus, he’s not envisioning a luxurious post-mortem retirement in the clouds for those who “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior,” a phrase which occurs exactly zero times in the Bible.

For John, salvation begins now by checking the impulse to condemn, and committing instead to the Jesus way of love, forgiveness, nonviolence, doing justice, showing mercy, walking humbly. In short, to love the world as God loves it.

Jesus did not come to condemn. For that, we should be eternally grateful. Jesus came to love and serve and thereby to save.


World Lover, help me check the impulse to condemn others and to love as Jesus loves.

About the Author

Matt Laney is the Senior Pastor of Virginia Highland Church UCC in Atlanta, GA and the author of Pride Wars, a fantasy series published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Young Readers. The first two books, The Spinner Prince and The Four Guardians are available now.

Pastor’s Letter March 16, 2022

Good morning, Beloved,

An image of flowers yellow, pink, and white. The varieties include roses and phlox flowers.

I pray you are joyfully held in God’s open hand on this overcast day, a feat which is sometimes difficult. Sometimes difficult because our environment, the world we live in really does influence our mood as many studies have validated throughout the years. Of course, we in New England did not need a study to prove this fact; for, the long winter months tend to make all of us a bit more depressed or somber. The rainy days can make us feel gloomy. And the tall buildings of our cities can make us feel insignificant and small.

Yet, the winter is coming to an end. The season is changing, and each day brings warmth and more sunshine into our lives. How glorious are the blessings of Spring – the gifts of God that remind us of who we are and how we are called to live in this world of Her creation.

It is in the ending of the long winter – in the changing of the season – in the first moments of Spring that I tend to witness God in everything. I see the beautiful tulips in front of me on the kitchen table. I am astonished by the life-giving lettuce plants which grow beside me daily. I feel the hopeful breath of Spring as the buds of new life grow on the bushes outside our church. Yes beloved, while admiring His beauty throughout Creation, I cannot help but feel all the gloominess of an overcast day recede as it is replaced with hope, joy, and humble admiration for all that God has created.

I bring these thoughts to you today; for, too often in the UCC, we remain in the heady space of intellectual thought and forget that God’s love is all around us throughout nature. The spiritual practices of simply being and witnessing nature around us can be as life giving to our spirits as the deep Biblical study of ancient tomes. Therefore, I pray that you take time this week to let go of some of our egos and simply be present to the awesome glory of God throughout nature in the coming of Spring.

May your week refresh the joyful feelings we are called to feel as beloved disciples of Christ.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider the ways you care for your own spirituality and faith throughout Lent. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk and discover ideas to help you refresh your soul. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter March 9, 2022

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up…”

  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 (NRSV)
image of a rustic alarm clock on a wooden table.

…but, why now?

Why now? These words keep fluttering about in conversations throughout our world. Why now, indeed? If you, Beloved, have not heard these words lately, I expect you have at some point in your life. Words of frustration when everything seems to be just a bit off. When it’s pouring rain outside, the dogs meet a new friend – the skunk, and you get locked out of the house trying to get them back in…Why now, seems like a great response along with some other choice words. But we also ask “why now” when everything seems to be going right and we feel some calling – some movement of spirit – some undeniable sensation to do something which moves us from the status quo and into a place of uneasiness. Why now? Why did I feel the need to upset the balance, now?

I have heard those words come from my own lips, beloved, as I prayed to God, often throughout the years. However, in my prayers the words from Ecclesiastes also kept coming back over and over: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” What this scripture does not say is we get to decide what time it is. In fact, the words of scripture remind us that we are not in control. We are the “matter under heaven.” And there is a time for us as individuals, as a fellowship, as a community. So, maybe now is that time and maybe it is not? That is why we pray and discern. Because we do not know for sure what season or time it is right now. We can only look around the world and witness the invitations to grow and learn.

Oh, and faithfully trust in God while it’s happening (whatever “it” is). That may be the most important part. For, anxiety over the future will not bring us peace nor will the sadness for the times now gone, peace is only found when we live in today – praying, discerning, and faithfully following wherever Christ is leading us. 

So, perhaps the question we could ask in this season of Lent is not, “why now”; but what are these things happening around us revealing to me – now? What is God calling me to do – now? What season and time is God bringing all humans into – now? For, I hope you remember, beloved, that our spiritual faith journey is both as an individual as well as part of the community. We affect each other in ways that we cannot even imagine. We learn from each other and grow as one body by witnessing the things affecting each other’s lives. It is in this journey together, we are called to discern where Christ is leading us as well and what time God has brought us into, as that one body. 

I pray you take a moment to pray this week to discern where you see Christ leading us as a people; so, we may come together and fulfill Her ministry and His Mission – together.

your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider the ways you care for your own spirituality and faith throughout Lent. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk and discover ideas to help you refresh your soul. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter March 2, 2022

An image of a heart made in ash and an empty cross in the middle. The text " Ash Wednesday" is below.

Good afternoon, Beloved,

I hope the day finds you well, safe, and at peace in the loving hands of God. A prayer that may not seem so easily filled today with all of the conflicts, troubles, and wars of the world. Troubles which seem to never end. No respite or vacation from one anxiety of the world before another becomes a deluge of pain and suffering on our hearts. I noticed this onslaught of issues a couple years ago. However, a simple example is that we have not even been able to celebrate the end of Covid before now facing war in the Ukraine. And a growing fear amongst people that this will become something far worse. The world almost seems like a never-ending diet of bad news with no time to recover in between cataclysmic events. 

However, this path is that of humankind. It is not the Way of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and you, beloved. Our Way, the Way of God is one which remembers we must have a vacation from time to time. God reminds us there are times in our day where She is calling us to … breathe. Times of the year when He invites us to…reflect. Times in life where They welcome us to be…at peace. Lent is one of those times. One of those times where we are called to recover from the world’s problems and simply focus on our personal spirituality. Focus on the Way we love God with our whole heart and care for ourselves spiritually.

Yes, it is also a time where we are invited to repent and recall our own mortal nature. But this invitation is really a spiritual gift for us. For, it is a chance for each of us to let go of the anxieties we are struggling with, the concerns weighing us down, the burdens which make it hard to love our neighbor. This practice is a gift which we are invited to explore before our lives end and there is no time left in this world. For, we are made from dust and to dust we shall return. We recall these words tonight not to inspire fear; but to remember that there is no time like right now for us to care for ourselves. No time like today to forgive and seek forgiveness. No moment like right now to heal our relationships and be at peace. So, we may be refreshed and prepared to continue the loving ministry which Christ calls us to do every day: love God, Love your Neighbor as YOURSELF.

May each of you nurture the spiritual side of yourself throughout this Lent and find the peace, safety, and wellness of God in this season of reflection.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider the ways you care for your own spirituality and faith throughout Lent. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk and discover ideas to help you refresh your soul. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Feb. 16, 2022

Picture of a handwritten letter amongst a stack of letters. There is a picture of a person slightly obscured by the letter.

Good afternoon, Beloved,

I pray you are enjoying the beautiful gift of sunshine which God has created for everyone throughout Creation. This prayer, though, reminds me of the power of love. Reminds me that by rejoicing in the loving gifts of God and the Love we feel for God, we can make it through the struggles in our lives. When we recall the blessings, we can – in fact – be encouraged to make it through one more month of a pandemic, one more day of a disease, one more moment of whatever… With this truth in mind, Merri and I challenge you, each of you, to share what helps you make it through the troubling times of life. For, this sharing will not only encourage you and each of us, but I also believe it will be a gift to our Creator – God. 

It is the very reason for our Love Challenge number three: Love Letters to God. The very reason why we would like you to share your “Love Letter” with the congregation: because we all need a little encouragement to make it through those struggles of life. Don’t we? We all need to see the beautiful ways God is revealed in each other’s lives everyday – to see the way through our struggles. Of course, we do; for, we all need each other and this way, beloved, is one way we can be there for each other.

So, I pray that you, each of you, will take up this challenge and write a “Love Letter” to God. Then bring it or send it to the church. Now Beloved, the letter does not have to be signed or in words. It can be a picture, a song, or a fuzzy bunny slipper. Any way that you wish to share how thankful you are for God’s Love and an expression of the Love you feel for God is a blessing that we are challenging you to share. It can be many letters or just a few words, as long as, it has meaning for you as a reflection of the love you feel for our God.

Imagine how powerful and encouraging this gift will be – for all of us, when we share our love for God in our own particular – way. Please know, we will share one each week in our God Moments and in our Newsletter until the end of Lent; so, we may all be encouraged by the Love of God surrounding us every day in our fellowship.

Many joyous blessings of God’s Love be with you all

your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider these thoughts and the teachings of Jesus during Epiphany. Next week, I am on vacation but, please call if it you have an emergency. My number is (207-350-9561). Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Feb. 9, 2022

Two people ice skating and holding one another in the middle of a snow storm.

Good afternoon Beloved,

Many blessings on this beautiful day that God has created for all of us – for all people and all of creation. I pray that you are each able to enjoy the moments of today before they slip away. Yet, I was thinking, is not this the very blessing that we hope and pray for throughout life? To enjoy every moment, especially those moments we are able to spend with the people we love. Is not this the truth that God teaches us as we wander through life? 

I believe it is. I believe every moment of life is a gift that God has created for you. And every moment you spend with the people you love is something even better. It is a reflection of the kin-dom which Christ is preparing for everyone. So, if my belief is true, what are we saying when we let grudges, hurt feelings, old wounds get in the way of the joy we could be experiencing? Are we saying God’s gift of that moment is not important? Are we saying the person in front of us is not important? Or are we simply saying that our pain is more important than living in the loving moments God is revealing to us every day? Personally, I am not sure, nor would I make that judgment on anyone. 

For me though, I can say that every moment I spend fixated on the bitter cold pain of life are moments that I am not spending cuddling under the blanket of love. This point is not a call to ignore the negative moments of life. No, we must be aware of them; but I pray you do not let them consume your every waking hour. For, if you do then you may just miss out on the beautiful day which we are experiencing right now. 

Happy Valentine’s Day, Beloved

I pray you enjoy each and every moment with the people you love; for, this gift is a reflection of God’s kin-dom here on Earth. 

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider these thoughts and the teachings of Jesus during Epiphany. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Feb. 2, 2022

An image of Jesus walking hand in hand with a child through the woods.

Good afternoon Beloved,

I pray you are each having a beautiful day and are “at one with God.” I share this blessing because too often we humans are not “at one with God,” or as other pastors might explain “right relationship with God.” However, for me this latter term of right relationship beckons that there is also a wrong relationship – a human judgment of right and wrong – or some clear-cut answer of how we must be in a relationship with God. Wouldn’t that be nice if everything were that simple. It’s not though, is it? 

Every relationship we have with every individual person in our life is different and also changes throughout time. The relationship we have with each of our children is different as are the relationships we have with each and every one of our friends, parents, and fellow parishioners. Relationships, I hope will grow stronger as you spend more time together learning about each other. Yet, those understandings and desires of the other person may change over time. I know mine have. What I understood at five years old when all girls had “cooties” has definitely changed over the years. Why then would our understanding of God not change, grow, evolve. And, why would God have the same relationship with each of us throughout our entire life?

This point is not to say God has favorites or treats some people better than others. Rather, the point is that our relationship with God is more individual than a clear-cut human understanding of right and wrong. It is about being at one with God – at peace with the Divine – in relationship with the one who loves us into Creation. It is a relationship we are called to nurture and respect in a kind and loving way. Not with the ego of, this way is “RIGHT” and that way is “WRONG”; but with, ‘this way of our relationship’ right now is comforting to me and brings me peace. At one with God at this point on my journey to the kin-dom. 

That said, being at one with God is only one part of the journey – a layover – that is good; but does not take us any closer to our destination. For us to continue on the Way, we must be challenged and challenge our understanding against others. Not in violence, but in the love that Christ has for us all. Worship, Christian Education, even the ONA learning Sessions are amazing ways for you to challenge others and your understanding while nurturing your relationship with God. Not because I say so; but because this place is your home – your safe place – your church where you have many relationships with many people. People who love and care for you always. One of the places where you are at one with all of us in fellowship. 

I pray you continue to nurture your own relationship with God and all of us as we learn, grow and nurture our relationships together in this Beloved fellowship.

your Pastor and Teacher, Brian

Please consider these thoughts and the teachings of Jesus during Epiphany. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk. As I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Jan. 26, 2022

Good morning, 

May God’s love always find and guide you through the storms of our lives. For, storms will come and there is only so much we can do to prepare for these events ahead of time. Yes, we can go to the grocery stores, pull out the snow shovels, cover our windshields with snow shields; but, in the end, the snow will come. And we as individuals have to face the pile of white fluffy stuff falling from the sky eventually. So, how do we face the storm?

In truth Beloved, there are a lot of theories about how we accomplish this eventuality and many ideas about motivation. Many of these ideas speak on the difference between an external motivation like we have to go to work and an internal one like when we want to go visit someone. Both get us out into the cold. Yet, most theories believe that the internal source is a longer lasting and more healthy way to endure the storm. If you had not guessed, I am speaking about more than just the weather. I am also speaking about the storms in our life where no motivation will get us out from under the covers. Storms of health, depression, loss, etc. What motivates us then to get up, breathe deep, and face the eventual storm?

Now as your pastor and teacher, it would be lovely to think everyone is going to say God; but, let us be human as well and realize what actually does get us up in the middle of the storm. What sends us out in the middle of the night when our child is sick with a whooping cough and needs medicine. What is it that causes us to drive halfway across the country in the middle of a blizzard when our grandmother gets in a car accident? What motivates us to hold and care for our husbands as the storm of sickness carries away their personality? Any ideas? How about love, beloved? The simple and powerful gift of love. Yes, I believe love is the great motivator which sends each of us into the white flurries of the storm, every time. Thank be to God; for, God is Love. Hmm, maybe everyone can say – God gets us through.

In all seriousness, Beloved, this truth is the very reality of our faith; God is not an external or internal source motivating us through the storms. But the One who provides meaning to our lives by inspiring us with love as they traverse the storms with us. The storms that will eventually come and the storms which will eventually end. This love, which is from God, will allow us to face the white stuff falling from the sky – every time. 

May you always be blessed by the Love of God as we traverse the storms together

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider these thoughts and the teachings of Jesus during Epiphany. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always to talk. As I am here to support you and would be happy to hear how you are surviving the storms of your life. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Jan. 19, 2022

Good afternoon, Beloved,

         I pray the day finds you well and free from the pretzel-like troubles of this world. These troubles that we are enduring so often today, though, are only intensified because we cannot find a solution. At least not one which seems acceptable due to the lines being drawn in the sand and people flocking to one tribe or another. We have seen this time and time again. The conflicts created by doing anything in the old familiar way as compared to the new changes being innovated in an ever-changing world. 

Now, I believe we can see these conflicts happen in generational differences, political differences, and yes even in religious differences. We even see this reality creep out over small things like mask use: should they be required for the greater good or should they be avoided due to their inefficiency and propensity to cause health problems for people. The problem is that somewhere along the line people stopped listening with an open heart to the opposing perspectives. And decided the arguments were either / or. I am right and moral and you are wrong and immoral. Why would we do anything else as there is so little time in our world to hear the voices of our friends, let alone those others who do not believe as we do. 

Why? Because, Beloved, God calls to all people – all genders – all identities – all of Creation. And if we cannot find a solution amongst our perspective then maybe…just maybe, we need to learn from another source to discover the middle ground in a world of divisions. For our reopening team that place in the middle was and is the individual discernment and choice of mask use for each person. A decision, I believe, was the most faithful choice they could make. Well done.

Perhaps this gift we give ourselves to learn though will also allow us to follow the faithful call to teach one another – another tribe – another Beloved child; so, we call all be held by God together. With this thought in mind, I offer these words from another source about the teachings of Christ and how we deal with the changing church of today. 

Lest We Burst

By John Engleton

Jesus told them this parable: “No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for they say, ‘The old is better.’” – Luke 5:37-39

Between 2008 and 2019 I led worship approximately twelve hundred times, give or take a hundred. Leading services three times a week for almost eight years really ran up the numbers. I went from wobbly and nervous to loose and confident. I’m not boasting, just pointing out that practicing something a thousand times really helps.

Since the pandemic began, I’ve led worship maybe a hundred times. And those one hundred times have been in at least four or five formats that were new to me: live on Zoom, pre-recorded on YouTube, livestreamed in the sanctuary, outdoors on the lawn, a hybrid of all the above. I’m back to wobbly and nervous, and I don’t like it. I miss the old wine of well-known ways of worship. I’ve tasted the new and I would say, “The old is better!”

It’s okay if the time of worship during Covid isn’t your favorite. It’s okay if it doesn’t measure up to what used to be. No one should expect it to. This is a time of new wine. This time has to be given room to breathe and expand, to become whatever it will become. Our job as the church is to learn new lessons and strengthen new muscles. Our job as the church is to stretch and flex.

Because we aren’t the wine. We are the wineskins.


God, this time is hard for us. Help us to worship you in beauty and truth, in new ways.


John EdgertonJohn Edgerton is Lead Pastor at First United Church of Oak Park, Illinois.

May all of these thoughts help guide you to find the place God is calling you too, not on one side or another; but in the loving place which encompasses all of Creation together. 

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please consider these thoughts during Epiphany. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always. As I would enjoy hearing how you feel are stretching and growing in these times. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, My pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Jan. 12, 2022

An image of seven hands, all different colors, making the shape of a heart.

Good afternoon, Beloved,

         I pray you all made it through the arctic cold of yesterday in the warmth of God’s love. Love that we see reflected in the lessons of Jesus time and time again. So much so that it almost seems that this act of love is well – important. And I believe it is. Furthermore, I believe we all know this idea is True as the act of loving one another is part of our call as Christians. 

         That said, the body of Christ is not made up of only one human culture. Creation itself does not consist of only one particular culture. Rather, there are a variety of cultures with an untold amount of different identity combinations amongst the billions of people in the world and each person experiences love in a slightly different way. Almost mind boggling to consider the possibilities. Yet, these are some of the things that I think about as I drift off to sleep at night. Hopefully not keeping myself awake wondering about the inevitable question: how do we show God’s love to all these possibilities of people, like Christ does for all of us? 

         This question becomes more important today as we approach our national holiday celebrating Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King JR. One of the great heroes of the Civil Rights movement who preached and taught about love, time and time again. Yet even King’s lessons about love were from a particular culture. One which some Americans today would not recognize as loving at all such as the “Dream” of MLK JR that one day we will all be color blind, i.e. that people will only be judged on their character – not their skin color. For him, I believe this idea was one of the greatest acts of love a person could show another person. Today, this idea is seen as an act of hate amongst some people; for, “color blindness (they say) does not recognize the individual and the varieties of identities said individual represents.” So, how do we show God’s love to both views – all views – all cultural understandings of how one feels love? Can we? 

         I believe we can, and I believe Jesus shows us the way. Not as we may understand love traditionally in our culture; but as, the individual person who we encounter needs to feel love in their culture. Is this not the way God reveals Her love to us every time He answers our prayers, grants us Grace, and holds us when we need a loving friend? Maybe this idea is the true message of MLK JR. day and one of the lessons of the Epiphany: that love is revealed when it is received as it is needed to be felt.

May your week be a blessing of discovering new ways we can love everyone no matter where they are on their journey through life.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

Please feel free to consider these questions and thoughts during Epiphany. If you would like, you may text, call, or email me always. As I would enjoy hearing how you feel love. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, My pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 9-4, Thurs. 10-2 to provide some time for visiting. Many blessings and Love to you all.