Pastor’s Letter September 14, 2022

An image of a man siting and praying with a mask on.

Good Morning Beloved,

I pray you are all well and healthy on this beautiful fading day of summer. A time which brings us a new year of school and with it all the reuniting of friends, returning of cooler weather, and, of course, resurgence of colds, flu, and Covid. This latter reality has come into the life of our church community as someone who was in church on Sunday has tested positive for Covid. May God continue to keep their case mild and heal them quickly along with all who may come down with this illness. As such, it seems reasonable to assume all who were in church this weekend were exposed. Sadly, this reality is what we can and should expect from time to time in our current world. 

That said, vaccines, good health practices, as well as a virus which has mutated to become less lethal has lessoned the risk for all of us; therefore, I am praying this outbreak will remain limited and everyone affected will heal well.

Speaking of good health practices, I would invite everyone to follow the CDC guidelines to the best of their ability. The explanation of exposure can be viewed here and the guidelines as to what to do if exposed  can be viewed here. Guidelines which suggest mask use for anyone who has been exposed for 10 days. Day 1 would be Monday if you were in church. I also encourage everyone to take a Covid rapid test after day 5, or on Friday. Next, please let me know if you come down with Covid; so, we can continue to do contact tracing and determine the risk to our community. We are also encouraging (not mandating) everyone wear masks while at the church this week and next to hopefully limit any additional spread. Finally, please remember that if you are feeling ill or are homebound, we will find a way to share worship with you. So stay home, rest and recover; so, you can come back healthy and join us in community sooner.

The church will currently remain open as the exposure seems limited and contained. If anything changes, I will share the information with all of you immediately via email and Facebook. Again, I am thankful we have various tools at hand and talented members in our faith family to adjust to changing situations which may come up during these times of expected surges. Sadly, it simply is today’s Covid reality.

Many Healthy Blessings,
Pastor Brian 

During the fading summer and early fall, let us consider how to live out our love each day. Remember love and faith is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings to you all.

Pastor’s Letter Sep. 4, 2022

An image of a diverse group of people walking together. The image is taking from behind.

Hello beloved,

I hope you are all well on this Labor day weekend and last Sunday of our summer. Next week, we will rally back to church at 10 am to worship God and celebrate the gifts of so many people in our community. It’s about time isn’t it? It is about time to rally back to worship, to fellowship, to God. I feel in many ways this year’s Rally Sunday is about more than just coming back after a long summer, it is about coming back after a long pandemic.

That said, we know Covid is not over and many of our friends are still maintaining a degree of safety. Let us continue to keep them in our prayers. Please know if you are one of these souls, you are not forgotten and thought of often by everyone in the church. Still, this era of the pandemic seems to be waning and our time to rally again in our faith seems to be needed by many. Your voice and presence, I know, is needed by me. And I say “needed” as Proverbs 27:17 reminds us “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens the wits of another.” Your wits, insights, belief in God sharpens mine as well as I hope I do for all of you. We teach and learn from one another in ways that cannot always be seen. 

Take for example last Wednesday, the sin of pride and the healing ability of humility came up in the message. It was not until someone chatted with me about their upbringing that I understood a misunderstanding. For, you see they saw pride as a good thing – being proud of family, country, a good day’s work. And that all makes sense as it is one of the definitions of pride. However, pride as a sin is not a good thing. It is the “excessive view of one’s self without regard for others” and one of the other definitions of this word. This latter definition is the way I was using it throughout the message but somehow there was a disconnect. Furthermore, it is not just a sin in the apocrypha text we read that night. The term is found throughout the Bible such as in Jeremiah 9:23-24, “…Let not the mighty man boast of his might…but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me…” Pride is also mentioned in the following verses: Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 16:18, Romans 12:16, 1 Corinthians 13:4, Galatians 6:3 and James 4:6-7. 

The point is that without that conversation, I could not sharpen my wit and my delivery of God’s message. Therefore, thank you to that soul. A truth, I believe goes both ways. At least, I hope it does. I pray that all our interactions in worship and discussions afterward also sharpen your wit and deepen your faith as we walk on this journey of our faith together. 

For our community, which is sometimes on very different parts of our journey, I find our interactions a great gift. We are able to sharpen our faith – our wit – our beliefs better when they are confronted by different views. It is a truth as old as the old testament. It is a practice of learning used as far back as Socrates. It is one of the greatest gifts we have as a community. But, it only works when we show up and share our presence and thoughts. It is only a blessing when we are confronted with other truths – other beliefs – other ways of living out our love with God. So, let us rally again next week and come together as one fellowship – one community – worshiping God in a variety of ways along the journey – together.

May you have a safe, restful, and wonderful Labor Day before we rally once more together – for God.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

During the summer, let us consider and remember how to love God each day. Remember love and faith is not just a feeling but an action we do every day – even rest can be an action. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, the church will be closed on Monday for the holiday and my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings to you all.

Pastor’s Letter August 28, 2022

An image of a women resting in a hammock while reading a book.

Hello beloved,

God’s Love

May kindness flow – like water – through you

May your toil bring, the seeds of Love to you

May the breath of God rush – to comfort you

May the warmth of the Son gently cover you

May God’s Love be the gift, we seek and give


I pray you are all feeling the gift of God’s Love today and every day. I wanted to start my letter this way as poems, to me, are a wonderful expression of faith and how I enjoy the sabbath. That time of respite and recovery. That gift from God where we simply rest and worship. Yet, we do not always do this “resting” – well – do we? At least, most protestants fall into this trap of not resting. Instead, we rush around and do more and more because worshiping God is our passion and joy and because it just needs to be done. We rush around until we simply crash and can do nothing more. I have seen people get to this point where worship itself is just too much to do and it becomes just another thing, another expectation, another duty.

But this path is not how God Creates us. We are created to rest as well as toil. To be revived in the joy of worship and fellowship on the sabbath. So, we will all be re-energized for the week ahead.

Still, “things must get done.” I hear these words and your thoughts – beloved, especially all of you who are involved in all the ministries of this church. The roughly thirty to forty of you who help in everything, I hear you and witness your exhaustion. And I hope the other seventy to eighty souls of our community who are not involved – who have sat back in rest for so long – who do not share their voice in our fellowship will step forward to give you a rest as well. I hope these souls will join us in our church ministries even if it is in a new way because they cannot physically be in church. But for now – today – it is the sabbath. Nothing needs to get done on this last Sunday in August.

Therefore, simply rest and worship God in your heart, if not in your body. Rest, rejuvenate, and let the worry of things that “need to get done” – drift away. God will provide what we truly need and what we need is for all of you to find some well-deserved rest in these fading summer days.

With all of God’s Love, I pray you take today to fully rest in the way which re-energizes your soul.

Many blessings of love,

your pastor and teacher, Brian

During the summer, let us consider and remember how to love God each day. Remember love and faith is not just a feeling but an action we do every day – even rest can be an action. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings to you all.

Pastor’s Letter August 21, 2022

An image of children happily running to get on the bus.

Hello beloved,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying these last few weekends of the summer. These last few weekends as our young adults head off to college and our youth prepare for the new school year ahead. I was thinking about this time during the week and I have to admit that a small smile came to my face. How wonderful and exciting this time of year always was for me. The time when I did not know exactly what to expect as my family went school shopping for clothes and supplies. When I did not know exactly what I was going to learn or who I was about to meet. The time of endless possibilities. I love that feeling and gift; and, it is a gift to me. It is the same feeling I have now, everyday, as I wake up. The endless possibilities of the day ahead.

Sadly, not everyone has that feeling of endless possibilities. Some people feel stuck – trapped – lost. Many of us have felt that way over the years due to depression, addiction, bad relationships, abuse, economic insecurity, skin color, or even body structure. To anyone who is or has felt stuck – trapped – lost, I am sorry that you had to endure this feeling in your life. It does not feel good and for that I am sorry. Still, the child inside of me cries out and reminds us that there really are endless possibilities for all people. It is that child inside of me who sings the song of hope: “whoever is joined with all the living has hope” (Ecc. 9:4). It is the child inside of me that reminds me how I found my way out of feeling stuck – trapped – lost. 

It is the wonder of a new day that God has created – new friends to share the day with – and the new person I am about to become. I was able to find my way out of that dark place because I remembered to love God, my neighbor and myself. And myself for how I have been created. Not perfect but accountable for my decisions and failings. I found my way out because I learned how to try better each day and forgive myself when a mistake was made. Now, beloved, this particular path may not work for everyone and I left you with very broad strokes because so many of these dark places are different. My way may not help you directly especially as there are some things we simply cannot change in the world no matter how hard we try.

However, there are in the midst of this story three truths which I believe will help us all in those dark times of our life. 1. Love and loving God, our neighbors, and ourselves will help you find your way out. 2. We each have a choice. It does not always feel that way; but, it is there. For, God has made a way for everyone in this world. Remember, whoever is joined with the living has hope. 3. Each day that God creates brings endless possibilities for us all. It is our choice – ultimately – whether to follow the way back to love or remain in despair. Even a phone call – a message – a small “help” is a choice which I, for one, will always answer. One which I believe everyone reading this will answer. One which I hope you will answer, even if the words come from your lips. 

May we all consider how we can answer the cries for help and despair in this world – answer them with all the Love God has placed within our hearts. So, everyone in the world can feel the small child inside, excitedly waiting for the endless possibilities of the day ahead.

With all of God’s Love

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

During this summer, let us consider and remember to love God each day. Remember love and faith are not just feelings but actions we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings to you all.

Pastor’s Letter August 14, 2022

An image of trash floating on the surface of the water.

Hello beloved, 

I hope you are all well and enjoying this much needed break – from the heat. It is almost as if – our faith – has finally been revealed. Our faith that God would end the heat. But was this due to faith or just a coincidence?  Is this new reality a change or just a shift in the natural weather patterns? All of which, I believe, are good questions to ask because they help us articulate what we believe. 

While I considered these questions, I leaned more towards the shifting weather patterns. Not because I do not believe. Not because I lack faith in God’s ability to make the world cooler, either directly or indirectly through us. She does. Rather, it is because I do not see most humans are helping Him. I do not see people doing much of anything to make the climate better. Yet is that not what God is calling us to do: to faithfully help the Mission of Christ here on earth? 

We have talked all summer about faith. Yes, have faith – pray to God when we see problems; but are we also living into that faith? Are we trying to make a difference in the world? I ask, beloved, because living out our faith is – how we love God. To explain in human terms, when someone says, “I love you” or asks you for things; yet chooses to not care about you – to hurt you – or to forget about you when they do not need anything, it does not feel like love. We know this truth and have seen it many times throughout our lives. From abusers to innocent (if not self-centered) children, we have seen this type of behavior. Sadly though, I wonder if sometimes we humans are being “the self-centered” child. 

Are we telling God thank you – I love you – please save us from the heat and then throwing trash in the water because it’s too far to walk an extra five feet to the trash can? Yes, I have witnessed people do this and then share how concerned they are with our changing climate. The truth is faith is not something that just happens in our heart and soul. Like love, faith must be shared to be revealed. It must be acted upon. It must be shown through our actions; for God to feel the truth of our love and faith. 

So yes, I lean towards the natural shift of weather patterns because the Mission of Creation is not yet being acted upon by the many hands and feet of Christ, living in this world. Maybe it is time for us to act on our faith and openly follow God’s Mission, whatever Mission which has been placed before us. Maybe we can do this together as One Fellowship of God and truly witness our faith and love of God being revealed. 

May we each act upon our Mission over the coming year and reveal our loving faith to God.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

During summer, let us consider and remember to love God each day. Remember love and faith is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings to you all.

Pastor’s Letter August 7, 2022

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1: 3-6

An image of a Heart shaped cave with Jesus Christ on cross over a meadow in front of a sunset background.

Good morning beloved,

            I pray you are all feeling God’s Love, no matter where you are; for, you are welcomed and loved no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey. 

            I heard this prayer in my heart and realized how prudent it is for this time in which we are living. This time, though, did not begin in 2022, during Covid, or even because of the last election. It may not have even begun in our lifetimes or that of our parents. In fact, I know it did not. It began even longer ago than that, before the United States, the Reformation, and the Roman Catholic Church. The time we are living in started when Jesus was crucified and was resurrected. We are living in the Time of Loss. 

Now, beloved, this is not to say that loss did not happen before Jesus, it did. It most assuredly did. People died by the thousands in war, disease, and slavery. People died so often that it became…common. Accepted and sometimes even welcomed in the oppressive ancient world. But then Jesus came and explained that you and each one of you is important and a welcomed addition to the kin-dom. That is what changed, not the amount of people we lose but how much we love, care, and need each person who is part of our life because Jesus taught us to love. For that gift alone, I am grateful.

Yes, grateful even though the pain of losing someone is the worst I have ever felt. Even though that pain is so much greater for me when the loss is not death; but a choice to walk away. Yes, even then, I am so grateful that God taught us how to love through Jesus. 

And, I have felt this pain over and over in my life. It has happened with girlfriends and an ex-wife, my employment, my friends, my sons, my brother, and with people right here in our church community. Even though there are always reasons much like there are with death, it still hurts. It is a grief I, and all people, must accept because we love each other so deeply. Because Jesus taught us how to love each other so deeply that when that relationship ends, when it dies, the pain is almost tangible. 

That said, our love never ends. My love never does. No matter where a person roams or how long it takes, I will always love them and welcome them home into my life. Jesus may have taught us this truth as well when he taught us to forgive. Much like the Apostle Paul teaches us how to lovingly accept and work through the grief in our life. The grief which comes from this type of loss. He exemplifies this love for the lost in the words, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.” I too thank God every time I remember all who I have lost as I hope all of you do as well.

Especially because loss has become so bitterly common today in a world which is ever changing. Who we are as a community now is so much different than who we were two years ago. And from what I understand, who we were pre-covid or who we were ten years ago. And these losses to our community, both natural and by choice, are painful. Yet it is a pain, I willingly and gratefully accept. I accept this pain because, if loss becomes commonplace, again. If it became so common that it did not hurt, then we would have forgotten the core Truth of Jesus’ teaching: Love. So, yes, I accept the grief and pain knowing that I LOVE EVERYONE OF YOU, no matter where you are in the world or in the kin-dom.

With love, I pray our loss and grief ends. We accept it if the time is not yet – right. And, Lovingly welcome – ALL PEOPLE – into our hearts – now and always,

your pastor and teacher, Brian 

During summer, let us consider and remember to love God each day. Remember love is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter July 31, 2022

Image of the gras brown from the heat in front of the church.

Good morning beloved,

               I pray you are all well and safely held in God’s loving hands. Recently though, I was reminded that this reality is not the case for everyone, funny how a trip to another country or state reveals this truth. The truth that not everyone has a way to stay cool in the heat or a way to wash their clothes in a washing machine. The truth that not everyone has clean and safe drinking water. The truth that some people, right here in this country, do not even have access to nutritional food seven days a week. So many of these realities came flashing back as I traveled and visited Punta Cana recently. Mind you, all these instances were around even before our current unprecedented heat wave or the Covid crisis. You know those events which are hitting everyone across the entire world in some way, shape, or form. I wonder how much worse people are today as the crops burn up in the fields from lack of water.

               The beautiful thing God reminds us of is this truth: “whoever is joined with all the living has hope” (Ecc. 9:4). In other words, we still have a chance to care for the environment and the people who are living upon this beautiful Creation. There is still a chance; but we must start living out this part of our faith everyday – now. Will we take care of the entire environmental issue alone? No, of course not. We may not even slow it down too much by ourselves. But that is not the point. Is it? The point is to live every day as faithfully as we can. To live as God is calling us: as good stewards and lovers of all people and all of Creation.

               With this truth in mind, I pray you will take a moment each day to help, through the sharing of ideas or the hands of care, because we all can see the problem. We can all feel it as we walk outside during this brutally hot summer, the hottest recorded in England for the last 383 years. Yet, many of us do not always know what to do to help. Still, where there is life there is hope. The ONA team has seen this reality and will be starting a special recycling program this fall (please see the ONA board at the church to read about it), the Reaching Out team has seen this reality and has been supporting food insecurity programs for a while through our “fishes and loves” offering on communion weeks. Many of you individually have helped in your careers or everyday care. However, we are one people and now is the time for all of us to be the hope by living into our faith daily; by sharing our knowledge; or by being God’s hands of care for not only the environment but for all of Creation.

Please feel free to share your ideas, thoughts, hopes and yes even questions; so, we can all grow together in God’s love. May you be safely held in God’s loving hands as we hold the environment and all people in ours.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

During summer, let us consider and remember to love God each day. Remember love is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter July 24, 2022

The image is of two hands palm up praying to God in front of a sunrise. The glow from the sun is highlighted in the palms of the hands.

Hello Beloved,

With all the love God has placed within me, I pray you are each doing well. I would like to invite all of you to do the same. Let us pray: Holy God, bless and care for the people in this fellowship and in our community. Care for those in our state and in our world. Watch over all of your Creation, O God, and heal us with your eternal love. Holy one my prayers and love go out to all people but especially Kathy Zecchini, Brenda and Carol Cross, Moe, Granddaughters travelling and children who are crossing the countryside. We pray for Ivan and the loved ones we have lost as well as Audrey, Toni, and Kyle and all those souls who are sick today. Savior, send your healing light into the lives of your people who are angry, hurt, or feeling lost; bless them God with your forgiveness and open their hearts to be forgiving. God, please also heal our world of the divisions and violence as we pray you will care for our President and all people who have Covid in this world, today. In the name of your son, our Christ we pray. Amen.

Beloved, I bring this gift of communal prayer to our thoughts as the gift itself, in recent years, has been minimized to something meaningless or trivial. Some people have criticized this gift as condescending. Yet I believe, prayer is far from meaningless for so many reasons. Most importantly, it is our primary way to speak with God. That alone is a gift and our joy.

However, there are other benefits to prayer. When we pray as one people, we are focusing on the individual person. Letting them know we hear them and see their pain. We are letting them know that they are not alone in this world and having to deal with their struggle by themselves. We are hearing them and being lifted also by their joy. If nothing else, the Covid pandemic revealed to me how important our community is – how much we need one another – how much better life is when we can feel our community caring for us in our everyday lives.

That said, someone recently asked if we came back to church too early as at least one church community in the area is still avoiding fellowship, our President has been diagnosed with Covid, and members of our fellowship have gotten this disease though, thank God, not from anyone else in the church as far as we know. My response to this question (which I am very thankful for Gary) is “no, no I do not believe we came back too early.” I believe this beloved because of prayer.

Because we need one another in our lives and our community holding us now more than ever before in our lives. We need to laugh and question. Feel loved and forgiven. We need to be held in the love that God offers to all people equally right now because we do not know what tomorrow will bring and we are so much better with one another. I am so much better when I have Ed Dacey in my life who has an unbelievable gift and understanding of the by-laws, I am so much better when I have Betty Sears in my life with her institutional memory of our church community, I am so much better with Merri, Emily, Johnny, and everyone of you as we learn and pray together. I am so much better with Philathea and the choir. Everyone of you and our interactions together through prayer, fellowship, and worship of God, makes me a better human and for that I am grateful. I can only believe that this truth is the same for all of us.

So no, I do not believe we came back too early as we have done everything to prevent the worst of outcomes from happening and our community needs each of us in fellowship, worship, and prayer more than we need any fear or conflict. Therefore, I pray you – each of you – are well and will return to be wholly part of this fellowship so we can all be better human beings and disciples of God’s Love – together.

Your pastor and teacher, Brian

During summer, let us consider how we each love God. Remember love is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter July 3, 2022

An image of a black background with fireworks going off and the text "Happy 4th of July" in rainbow colors.

Hello beloved friends,

               I pray you are ALL safe and well as we celebrate this fourth of July weekend and this day which God has given to ALL people. It seems strange though to hear those two ideas together, doesn’t it? For, if we are celebrating today or any day as one which God has given to ALL people, how can we also celebrate it as one which is, strictly speaking, lifting up only one group of people? How can we celebrate the Fourth of July and our independence from Britain without having a bias against the English people? How do we balance these two celebrations in our hearts and souls?

               Sadly, we are rarely able to find this balance as humans seem to be inherently biased towards their identity, religion, or way of thinking. Now, I am not saying bias is good or bad, just a reality. We tend to dismiss ideas which challenge our beliefs and cling hard to those ideas which we believe. This truth became clear this week, as with most weeks, when we look at the news. We hear people claiming the eyewitness account and testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson as undeniable proof to Trump’s guilt on January 6th, even though she was not present in the car. Or, that Donald Trump actually won the election against President Biden, even though this belief has not been proven in a court case. Could either of these two beliefs be true? Yes, they could be true, and they could also be false delusions to inspire your emotions and ire. They could be lies, intentional or unintentional. And that beloved is the problem with biases. 

               The problem that our biases can and often do lead to lies which harm people. The Fourth of July reflects the problem well in that when I was growing up, this day was seen as a celebration for all people. It was a celebration of independence from oppression. But what I have discovered, as I grew older, is that this day was not a celebration of independence for all people, not even for all people in the United States. Yes, it was a day which marked the end of British control over America; but it also is the day that gave power to the primarily Caucasian male landowners to oppress women, African Americans, Chinese Americans etc. Does this truth lessen our celebration of the Fourth of July? Does it mean we should be biased against all white male landowners as they were the identity who profited from this lie? Does this mean anything other than this truth is what happened in the world? I believe the answer truly is no, to all of the above. No, the dream of the Fourth of July, an end of oppression, is something beautiful to celebrate and work towards; no, the people alive today is not to blame for our ancestors and to be biased against them will simply perpetuate more lies; no this truth is what happened without judgment.

               So how do we balance these two celebrations: Jesus says, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17). Although he is speaking about taxes, let us remember this tension in all walks of life, in all our situations, and the biases we feel drawn too. The tension between the human world and the Divine world of God. Let us remember this Truth as Jesus shows us how to avoid the traps of lies and biases by being faithful to God while supporting the dreams, ideas, and beliefs of humanity in a balanced and loving way. Give to Caesar (our country your celebration for it is a US holiday) AND give to God all your love for ALL people because He created today for ALL of Her children. The reality is we may never be able to fully avoid our biases in this world; but when we follow Jesus and his teachings, we may be able to witness God’s Love and avoid falling for those biases which perpetuate harm upon one another.

With ALL God’s Love

your pastor and teacher, Brian

As summer approaches, let us consider how you love God. Remember love is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Tues. 12-5, Wed. 11-3, Thurs. 10-2. Many blessings and Love to you all.

Pastor’s Letter June 22, 2022

An image of a red heart surrounded by the paper cutouts of people all holding hands.

Hello beloved friends,

I hope you are well as we move into the summer and a time of rest from Sunday morning worship. Worship though as we all know is not over and we will be continuing to praise God on Wednesday evenings for the next two months. 

Rest though is something we all need from time to time. Rest from work, rest in the middle of a game. rest even from the worries and concerns of the world. Perhaps, some people even do need a rest from worshiping God, participating in our fellowship, experiencing the Love God has to offer everyone – equally – from time to time. I guess that makes sense as even the best food in the world – pizza – I too need a rest from, occasionally. It helps me appreciate the wonderful fulfilling taste all that much more. So, yes, perhaps it makes sense why we would need some time away to appreciate our faith even more. To enjoy God’s Love more. To be re-energized for the ministry God is calling us too even more. And I hope that is the reason why some people have not returned after Covid. 

I hope that is the reason; but I do not know. I do not know why some of us have not returned or worse, why some people refuse to let go of their egos and come back to our loving faith in this community. This latter point comes to mind from the many people who have let conflicts over those non-essential things like elevators, marriage officiants, carpet color, table cost, or even arguments block one or many people’s faith in God. I think often of these souls who have stepped away; both the ones I have noticed and the ones I never knew and wonder – why?

Why are you letting these non-essentials and your own frustration block you from the love of God which is right here waiting for you. Why would you choose anger instead of forgiveness? Why would you decide to feel anger instead of God’s love which is available to all people? Why would you decide to break the second commandment by not loving your neighbor? These are the questions which keep me up at night as I pray for every one of you. The thing I realized is that I cannot do this alone, beloved friends.  

We are a community of love and perhaps now is the time to reach out – again. All of us to each other and help discover the why – help each other forgive – help each other return to worship God together in person and experiencing the fellowship of love we are continuing to build for God. I hope you will join me on this endeavor and take the time to rest, if that is what you need. However, I hope and pray that when our Gathering Sunday comes on September 7th, you will all be there to add your voice, faith, and love to our fellowship.

May you take the rest you need and reach out to the people we love

Faithfully and lovingly yours, 

Pastor Brian

As summer approaches, let us consider how you love God. Remember love is not just a feeling but an action we do every day. Feel free to text, call, or email me always to share as I am here to support you and your relationship with God wherever you are on the journey. My number is (207-350-9561) if you need anything or simply want to talk. Next week, my pastoral care hours are Mon. 9-4, Tues. 12-5, Wed. 8-4. Many blessings and Love to you all.